Given a template with a placeholder paragraph we intercept its id and substitute it with an external HTML file.
The HTML file contains some text and a handlebar expression which is not executed.
Control Script
with the following handlebar defined:
Handlebars.registerHelper('verbo', function(tu, voi){
sesso = this.Receiver__Sex
if (sesso == 'M' || sesso == 'F'){
return tu
if (sesso == 'S') {
return voi
Standard script
with the body selector, we then query the needed part using the built-in function.
results = query('#assistenza')
// carico lo snippet html esterno
assistenza = loadhtml(merge.template.parameters.rootRepository + "ol-connect/html/assistenza.html");
External HTML file
{{verbo 'Le' 'Vi'}} ricordiamo che il Servizio Clienti XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (dall’estero) dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 8.30 alle 19.00 e il sabato dalle 9.00 alle 13.
In the template we have the following paragraph:
<p id="assistenza"></p>
As shown below the paragraph gets correctly replaces with the external HTML however the handlebar defined in the external HTML file is not executed.
This use case should be generally approached with a remote snippet, however given that the remote HTML file to be loaded follows certain logics we can’t hard code the loading path. That’s why I need to load it using a script.
I initially thought my issue was a duplicate of [Solved] Handlebar snippets rendered as text instead of html
but it isn’t. I have a handlebar inside a dynamically loaded HTML, while the other thread has un-rendered HTML inside the snippet.
Based on the assumption that handlebars registered in a ControlScript are also executed at the time the Control Scripts are executed I solved my issue by modifying the script with the addition of a call to Handlebars.render().
results = query('#assistenza')
// carico lo snippet html esterno
assistenza = loadhtml(merge.template.parameters.rootRepository + "ol-connect/html/assistenza.html");
assistenza = Handlebars.render(assistenza)
I don’t know if this is the right solution but feedback is welcome.
I’ve tried exactly as suggested with no success.
I’ve noticed you used results.html() instead of results.replaceWith(), if my understanding of the documentation is right the former puts the content of the snipped inside the HTML node returned by the selector, while the latter removes the node and in its place puts the content.
results.replaceWith() should eliminate the original <div>:
{{Example 'John Doe'}}
However, this shouldn’t be a big deal, in the hypothesis that loadhtml() with a .hbs perform the handlebar evaluation only on the direct child loaded I’ve tried both scenarios but with no success. The handlebar still isn’t executed.
I’ve noticed only now that you linked the 2024.1 docs, I’m on 2023.1 and indeed when loading the documentation for this version of that same page there is no mention of loading hbs. I suppose hbs evaluation has been added only later.
As for OL Connect version 2023.1, you can use Handlebars.render() instead of loadhtml().
The loadhtml() function has been improved to enable loading Handlebars snippets in addition to HTML snippets. This replaces the lengthier Handlebars.render() notation.