XML - numbers appear that aren't in data

Everything looks fine in datamapper and designer but, when printed, numbers appear after the extracted string.
Eg: I’m expecting the following:
Colour True
Folding No Fold

But I’m getting:
Colour6 True12
Folding7 No Fold7

Can you share your DM and Template while removing any confidential info?

Job ticket DM.OL-datamapper (9.6 KB)
Job ticket.OL-template (16.8 KB)

Printed ticket.

I can reproduce it and it does seems to be an issue. I suggest you open a technical support ticket through our website.

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This appears to be not a bug but a feature of the DM. Something I also wasn’t aware of that it existed until today.

In the DM the extraction step for the record.OrderProduct.Uploads.DisplayName and Value field both have a checkbox Add Unique ID to extraction field which is checked. When you uncheck that checkbox for both fields, the output doesn’t have the additional numbers and looks correct.

The help page says:

Add Unique ID to extraction field: Check to have a unique identifier (a random set of numerical characters) added to the end of the extracted value if it is the same as a previously extracted value. For instance, if an extracted field named “FullName” contains the value “John.Smith” and another document record, later, also contains the same value, then this second “John.Smith” will have a unique identifier (e.g. “John.Smith187”).

There is still a small bug that in the Designer preview mode you don’t see those additional numbers. They should be visible there as well, it should match the actual output. We will look into fixing that.


there is also the fact that when previewed in a Web browser, the numbers don’t show either. Only when printing.

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