Xml get (create file in workflow)

I want to create a file from an xml. My file have CODEITEM that contains the part #. I have many CODEITEM lines. How can I get all lines in my new file ?


Hard to say without additional information. You could use the XML splitter, which would allow you to iterate on all CODEITEM elements. Or you could use a script. Or you could use an XSLT transform task.

Do you want to create another XML file or just a plain text file? Does the CODEITEM element contain a single value or does it contain sub-elements?

Please provide more context.

I want to create a text file. Here is what it looks like:


You could use a script like the following:

// Open XML data file and read the ORDER_ITEMS element
var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0");
var xmlRecs = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("ORDER_ITEMS");

// Create nex XML and append all elements previously read
var newDoc = new ActiveXObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0");
for (var i=0; i<xmlRecs.length; i++) {

// Save new XML to the current job file

thks Phil, I will try it

Phil, I get this


Change the Scripting Language to JavaScript

it works…thks Phil