Why does a selecter be changed?

When create a field which created on Datamapper on Designer, I believe a selecter will be ‘@’ e.g, @SystemDate@.
However sometimes, I met the selecter is “{{” e.g, {{SystemDate}}.
Why does the selecter change?
I would like to use “@” as selecter rather than “{{”. How can I use ‘@’ as the selecter?

Anything can be use as a placeholder.

You could use $SystemDate$ or @SystemDate@ or anything. The goal is to make your “placeholder” unique enough so you script finds it without mistaking any regular text for your placeholder.

Now with late version of Connect, Handlebars have been intrduced and they use the {{SystemDate}} format.

Also not to mistake placeholder with selectors.

Hi jchamel,
Thank you for reply. I understood. Thank you very much!