Which variables are available for the Title metadata field in the Output Preset Wizard?

This one is probably very easy for experts to solve.

I need to set the Title of PDF documents dynamically using a datamapper field.
I have added the field to the Job Preset Job, Segment, set and Document levels.

But I get an error when I use the metadata field to set the PDF’s Title metadata field.

I tried metadata at several levels and still got the same error.(so the screenshot may not be accurate as one shows different metadata. It doesn’t work even if the metadata fields match)

I am not sure what I am missing from the below error message? Is there any other way to set the Title dynamically using field from the data file?

LoggedApplicationException: There was an error running the output creation process caused by There was an error initiating to the output creation process caused by ApplicationException: error evaluating expression ‘document.metadata.reqheader’ at line 1, column 3 in pattern ‘${document.metadata.reqheader}.pdf’
ApplicationException: error evaluating expression ‘document.metadata.reqheader’ at line 1, column 3 in pattern ‘${document.metadata.reqheader}.pdf’

{“error”:{“status”:500,“message”:“LoggedApplicationException: There was an error running the output creation process caused by There was an error initiating to the output creation process caused by ApplicationException: error evaluating expression ‘document.metadata.reqheader’ at line 1, column 3 in pattern ‘${document.metadata.reqheader}.pdf’\nApplicationException: error evaluating expression ‘document.metadata.reqheader’ at line 1, column 3 in pattern ‘${document.metadata.reqheader}.pdf’\n (SRV000041)”,“parameter”:“”}}


Indeed this should be possible. Let’s assume you want to use the data value on document level and ‘reqheader’ contains content, then you can use ${document.metadata.reqheader}.pdf as a document title.

Did you check the ‘separation’ option in the output creation and set this on ‘document’? This is necessary in order to use metadata for the file name / document title.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,
Eline Hendrikse

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In regard to this a pattern can be specified such as this: ${sheet.nr,00} is it possible for my own metadata field to use this as well for eg: ${document.metadata.SortOrder,000000} the SortCode value is 1 and should yield “000001”

Thank you