where i find any resources for the training?


where i find any resources for the training?

like sample Datafilesc Datamappings, Templates and so on…



Hi Peter,

As soon as we have file attachments implemented in our learning platform we’ll be providing resource files and sample templates and configurations. We apologize for the delay.


I’ll be patient.


you can also try the new PP Connect demo and download its sample files:


Hello again Peter,

Apologies for the long delay. There are now resources available on the PlanetPress® Connect course. They are located on each page, so for instance the main page has release notes and such, while the DataMapper and Designer have resources for these modules.

We will continue adding on to these resources as well as the course itself as time goes by.


Thanks Evelyne,

but i found a little error. The File Datamapper in the Datamapper-Course has no extension (.zip)…

Hmm, the files download properly as a .zip for me in both modules. What OS and Browser are you using?

i allways use firfox, i tried it with IE and then we have he full filename. The problem ist the space in the Name i think. In firefox i get a flie “Datamapper” in IE “DataMapper Resources.zip”

Thanks Peter, I’ve reported the issue, and have renamed the files so that for now the issue doesn’t affect users anymore.