My credential are correct, use ol-admin with the default password, re-enter the password to be sure that it enter correctly but no luck.
In the Workflow/preference/behavior/ol connect, I enter also the good information, restart the service but still no luck. In this windows I have LocalHost as server address and port 9340.
It was working fine before I enter my new licence. I had an evaluation Licence before and was working fine but since I enter a valide licence not working. Maybe no link.
I just did, and everything is matching but now i’m having this error,
[0002] W3001 : Error while executing plugin: {“error”:{“status”:401,“message”:“Failed to authorize with basic authentication provided. (SRV000100)”,“parameter”:“”}}
[0002] All in One: W1603 : Plugin failed - 13:57:14 (elapsed time: 00:00:00.192)
Do you have them setup in both your Workflow preferences and in that tab?
If so don’t.
Better to always have it setup only in the Preferences, unless you have specific Connect plugin you want to use a different Connect Server.