View metadata not working


The “View metadata” button in the Workflow configuration does not work. When I click on it, nothing happens. What’s the problem, and how can I fix it? Is there a quick workaround, something like “reset to default”?
I didn’t use that option for quite some time so I don’t know when it stopped working.


Is it greyed out or accessible but doesn’t worked when clicked?

If it is the latter, you can try the reset of Workflow.

  • Close you Workflow Configuration tool
  • Double-click on the Workflow Configuration icon to open it and as soon as you have done that, hit down the CTRL key on your keyboard until it is fully open.

That will reset the Workflow Configuration tool to its default.

If that doesn’t fix it, open a technical support ticket through our website.

I can click on it (it’s not disabled) but nothing happens. I’ll submit a ticket.