I already have a git repository for Templates and Datamapping configs, I used that via WinGit. If I open a file from that folder Designer automatically sees Git info and offers me older files pushed via Git command line as restore points.
Commit seems to work.
However, if I try to “publish commit” i get the error message
That would download the external files to my already existing versioned folder, right? Or would it just synch the files already existing there and already versioned?
I now moved my folder to another folder name and redownloaded the already existing files from the git repository via clone.
I would suggest that you add the option to enter the repository url later, so already existing versioned folders can be simply used instead of having to go through the clone process and not having to download everything again that is already there.
I got it working by redownloading everything, but you may want to add information on this and on handling already existing repositories to the documentation. That would have spared me some hours of work today.
Do I see it correctly that job and print output settings that are in a folder outside of the current project are not versioned, despite the fact they are changed from within a project?
Was that missed during the implementation of versioning and the changes to handling output settings in 2023.1?
In the current implementation, project resources must belong to the same folder hierarchy (i.e. a root folder, and all its child folders).
One of the improvements we have planned is the ability to also have outside files inside a project, however that makes the entire project management much more complex (especially if resources are shared between projects).
So we didn’t miss the feature during implementation: we chose not to implement it for now, because we wanted to offer at least the basic versioning features. If we keep waiting for the perfect implementation of any feature, it’s never going to be published!
But we are far from being done with versioning, there are many additional features we want to add.
So, output settings are not versioned at all and I have to take care of this myself, correct? I really do not want a “perfect implementation” of features (I’m a dev myself, I know the problems), just a consistent one.
If your output settings are specific to a project, then you can save them in the same folder hierarchy as the rest of the resources for that project.
If the output settings are shared across multiple projects, then you should save them as part of a separate project that has a different folder hierarchy. You will still be able to edit/save files from multiple projects at the same time, but only the files that belong to the currently opened project will be displayed in the Project Files panel.