Update/Feature request for OL Connect Output Creation

For our invoice process I would like to store temporary files in a separate folder for each process.
As multiple invoice processes can run at the same time I generate a unique GUID that I use throughout the process.
When generating the invoices I use the All in One Data mapping configuration plugin and configured the Job Creation and Output Creation.
For the Output Creation I am able to set a Job Output Mask to format the resulting split pdf filename.
Unfortunately the same cannot be done for the Job Output Folder and this can only be a fixed folder name. The requirement that the folder needs to exist before this is executed is fine but I would like to use variables here (e.g. for the GUID and the main folder).


You can add the dynamic part of the folder structure in front of the job output mask separated with a \ with the filename. In the job output folder you must add the fixed location to the folder, so the part before the dynamic part.
For example your location is c:\invoices{UID}\invoices.pdf:

The job Output Mask is ${segment.metadata.olTempdir\invoices.pdf
The job output folder is c:\invoices\

So in your case, the olTempdir must only contains the dynamic part of the folder structure.

Thank you. That does indeed work. My request still stands as I have a large configuration file that holds, amongst a lot of other items, all the paths used by all Workflow processes. It would be nice to have this configurable.

Hello @dvdmeer,

Can you let us know please why you would like to have such a feature available? Is it for example because the drive, as applied to the Job Output Folder input field, can be/should be a dynamic value too?

As indicated I would like to have the process as dynamically as possible. If we for example move to a new server or change the folder structure then I also have to remember all the locations where I use a fixed path. It is easy to overlook one and preferably I would like to have all the paths in a separate config file, like I have at the moment.
I understand this is not a high priority item and I am sure that there are a lot more important items to fix but as I am the only one in our company that knows how the system works it is crucial that there is a uniform way of working.