TypeError: layoutInfoPromo is null

Hi - I have been working on this template and I went to do a print proof and received the below error message. Does anyone know what I need to do? There doesnt seem to be any errors in my template. Everything looks as though it should.

An unspecified error occurred which was caused by LoggedApplicationException: There was an error running the content creation process caused by TypeError: layoutInfoPromo is null (SRV000001)

{“error”:{“status”:500,“message”:“An unspecified error occurred which was caused by LoggedApplicationException: There was an error running the content creation process caused by TypeError: layoutInfoPromo is null (SRV000001)”,“parameter”:“”}}

Thank you

Is layoutInfoPromo a field or a variable in your Template?

Looks like the Template is expecting to receive a runtime parameter named layoutInfoPromo but doesn’t.

It works at design time because you are able to specify a default value for that parameter, but at runtime, you have to pass it along to the template during content creation.

I have never heard of this. I don’t know where it is. I am not aware of using this or creating this.

We don’t generate a fatal error and abort the job if we cannot find a field or variable or runtime parameter. Something unexpected has happened, this is either a bug that we should fix or a limitation that we should document or work around.

This particular error indicates that we cannot determine the offset of one of the whitespace elements in your DOM. This normally only happens if the element is hidden with display:none, but we do guard against that, so I’m a bit puzzled as to what could be going on. Please check your DOM and see if anything stands out about elements with the “whitespace” class.

It would be very helpful to us if you could open a support ticket and share your template.

ok - thank you. I will do that.