I’m banging my head against a wall here. I am using PlanetPress Connect and have this vbscript in my workflow. I keep getting type mismatch errors when i try to split txtLine on a pipe and I have no clue why. When I log txtLine I see the correct string in the log but for some reason I’m getting this error. Any idea whats going wrong?
'Michal Wycklendt
' Preprocess input data, check for /
Option Explicit
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
Dim ObjFSO, Content, documentArray, OurFile, linesArray
Dim LineCount, DiffLines, vOut, iOut, cOut, theError, ret
Dim xDataPath, inputPath, outputDataPath, document, docLinesCount
Dim stabilizedDocument, stabilizedDocumentsArray,valid, invalid, memberID
Dim excFilePath, cleanDoc, dateLine, noFirst, firstLine, pdfName, regEx, Page
Dim dbArray, dbRead, dbFile, dbResultsPath, xErrorThisFile, addressCount
Dim addressPath, addressArray, addressFile, addressRead, addressesArray, addressLine
Dim errorLogFile, errorLogPath, errorLogArray, errorsArray, newErrors, errorsRead, errorLine
Dim xError, errorMessage, fileName, toCheck, pdfLines, pageNum, badLine, lineNo, fulladdress
Dim i, pdfDocuments, errorMessageForLog, split, fileMemberID, dbMemberID, line, csz, street
Dim dbFieldArray, secondLine, thirdLine, fourthLine, txtAddress, errorsToAdd, errorsToWrite
Dim addressFSO, errorLogFSO, addressContent, errorsContent
Dim newAddressArray
Dim txtLine
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'creating a "file system" object
Set valid = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Set invalid = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Set errorsArray = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Set pdfDocuments = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Set dbFieldArray = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Set addressesArray = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Set errorLogArray = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Set addressFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set errorLogFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
xDataPath = Watch.getVariable("xBaseDataPath")
xError = Watch.getVariable("xError")
xErrorThisFile = Watch.getVariable("xErrorThisFile")
fileName = Watch.getVariable("theFileName")
Dim xBaseAppPath: xBaseAppPath = Watch.GetVariable("xBaseAppPath")
Dim xJob: xJob = Watch.GetVariable("xJob")
fileMemberID = Watch.GetVariable("fileMemberID")
memberID = Watch.GetVariable("Member_ID")
excFilePath = xDataPath & "\FilesTemp\Exeption.txt"
errorLogPath = xDataPath & "\FilesTemp\errorLog.txt"
addressPath = xDataPath & "\FilesTemp\Address.txt"
Set addressRead = addressFSO.OpenTextFile(addressPath, ForReading)
Set errorsRead = errorLogFSO.OpenTextFile(errorLogPath, ForReading)
' addressContent = addressRead.ReadAll
' addressContent = CStr(addressContent)
' errorsContent = errorsRead.ReadAll
' errorsContent = CStr(errorsContent)
' split file based on FF characters
'newAddressArray = Split(addressContent, chr(13) & chr(10))
'errorLogArray = Split(errorsContent, chr(13) & chr(10))
'newaAdressArray = Split(addressContent, vbCRLF)
'errorLogArray = Split(errorsContent, vbCRLF)
Do Until addressRead.AtEndOfStream
addressLine = addressRead.ReadLine
addressesArray.Add addressLine
Do Until errorsRead.AtEndOfStream
errorLine = errorsRead.ReadLine
errorLogArray.Add errorLine
i = 0
' loop based on documents
For Each document In addressesArray
txtLine = CStr(document)
Watch.Log txtLine, 2
address = Split(txtLine, "|")
page = address(0)
firstLine = address(2)
secondLine = address(3)
thirdLine = address(4)
fouthLine = address(5)
csz = thirdLine & fourthLine
street = secondLine
txtAddress = Array(firstLine, secondLine, thirdLine, fouthLine)
fullAddress = firstLine & secondLine & thirdLine & fourthLine
i = i + 1
Set regExp = New RegExp
regExp.IgnoreCase = True
regExp.Global = True
regExp.Pattern = "[^!?@|\/$%*~`+=;<>{}]" 'Add here every character you don't consider as special character
lineNo = 0
For Each line In txtAddress
lineNo = lineNo + 1
badLine = regExp.Replace(line, "<BadChar>")
If InStr(1, badLine, "<BadChar>") Then
xError = "true"
xErrorThisFile = "true"
errorMessage = "Special character in address."
PBMonitor errorMessage, "yellow", xBaseAppPath, xJob
errorMessageForLog = "There is a special character in line " & lineNo & " in the address on page " & i & " of the document."
errorsArray.Add errorMessageForLog
End If
if isDate(firstline) Then
xError = "true"
xErrorThisFile = "true"
errorMessage = "First Line of Address is date."
PBMonitor errorMessage, "yellow", xBaseAppPath, xJob
errorMessageForLog = "The first line of the address on page " & i & " is a date."
errorsArray.Add errorMessageForLog
End If
If firstLine = "" Then
xError = "true"
xErrorThisFile = "true"
errorMessage = "No first line of address"
PBMonitor errorMessage, "yellow", xBaseAppPath, xJob
errorMessageForLog = "The Address on page " & i & " does not have a first line of the address."
errorsArray.Add errorMessageForLog
End If
If Not InStr(1, csz, ",") Then
xError = "true"
xErrorThisFile = "true"
errorMessage = "No City, State Zip"
PBMonitor errorMessage, "yellow", xBaseAppPath, xJob
errorMessageForLog = "The address on page " & i & " does not have a city, state zip."
errorsArray.Add errorMessageForLog
End If
addressCount = 0
For Each line in txtAddress
If line <> "" Then
addressCount = addressCount + 1
End If
If addressCount < 3 Then
xError = "true"
xErrorThisFile = "true"
errorMessage = "Missing address element"
PBMonitor errorMessage, "yellow", xBaseAppPath, xJob
errorMessage = "The address on page " & i & " has a missing element."
End If
if Not InStr(2, fileName, ".pdf") Then
xError = "true"
xErrorThisFile = "true"
errorMessage = "No pdf extension"
PBMonitor errorMessage, "yellow", xBaseAppPath, xJob
errorMessageForLog = "The file " & fileName & " does not have a pdf extension."
errorsArray.Add errorMessageForLog
End If
If memberID = "none" Then
xError = "true"
xErrorThisFile = "true"
errorMessage = "No Matching Member ID"
PBMonitor errorMessage, "yellow", xBaseAppPath, xJob
errorMessageForLog = "The Member ID " & fileMemberID & " does not have a match in the database."
errorsArray.Add errorMessageForLog
End If
errorLogArray.Add vbCRLF
errorLogArray.Add vbCRLF
errorLogArray.Add fileName
errorLogArray.Add vbCRLF
For Each theError In errorLogArray
errorsRead.WriteLine theError
Set vOut = objFSO.OpenTextFile(errorLogFile, ForWriting, True)
vOut.write errorsRead
Watch.setVariable "xError", xError
Watch.setVariable "xErrorThisFile", xErrorThisFile
' End Script
' Update Framework Variables
' Clean Up Objects
Set OurFile = Nothing
Set vOut = Nothing
Set iOut = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
' Test Script
' James A. Webb
' Pitney Bowes - ATG
Dim X
X = 0
If X = 0 then
rtn = PBMonitor("A Bad File Was Found", "yellow", xbaseAppPath, xJob)
' Err.Raise 12345, "Test Script", "An error was Received"
End If
Function PBMonitor(Message, Icon, BaseAppPath, Job)
Const ForAppending = 8
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Dim fso, myFile
Dim MyProcess
Dim MyStatus
Dim MyIcon
Dim MyRecord
Dim MyMessage
Dim NextCount, HoldErr
Dim MyDate
Dim MyHour, MyMinute, MySecond, MyTemp
' 000JAW Add NOMON Switch to Skip Monitor Posts
Dim xDashType
xDashType = Watch.GetVariable("global.xDashType")
If xDashType = "NOMON" Then Exit Function
' 000JAW
MyMessage = Message
MyIcon = LCase(Icon)
Select Case MyIcon
Case "blue"
MyStatus = "information_32.png"
Case "red"
MyStatus = "error_32.png"
Case "green"
MyStatus = "checkmark_32.png"
Case "yellow"
MyStatus = "warning_32.png"
Case Else
MyStatus = "information_32.png"
End Select
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
MyDate = Now()
MyHour = Right(Hour(MyDate) + 100, 2)
MyMinute = Right(Minute(MyDate) + 100, 2)
MySecond = Right(Second(MyDate) + 100, 2)
MyRecord = ",[" & Chr(34) & "<img src='/htmlFiles/StatusIcons/" & MyStatus & "' />" & Chr(34) & "," & _
Chr(34) & Job & Chr(34) & "," & _
Chr(34) & Date & " " & Time & Chr(34) & "," & _
Chr(34) & MyMessage & Chr(34) & "," & _
Chr(34) & DateDiff("d", "01/01/2000 00:00:00", MyDate) & MyHour & MyMinute & MySecond & Chr(34) & "]"
NextCount = 0
On Error Resume Next
Set myFile = fso.OpenTextFile(BaseAppPath & "\Dashboard\log.txt", ForAppending, True)
Do Until Err <> 70 Or NextCount > 120
Set myFile = Nothing
Set myFile = fso.OpenTextFile(BaseAppPath & "\Dashboard\log.txt", ForAppending, True)
NextCount = NextCount + 1
Watch.sleep (500)
HoldErr = Err
On Error GoTo 0
If HoldErr = 70 Then Err.Raise 70
myFile.WriteLine MyRecord
Watch.sleep (1000)
Set myFile = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
PBMonitor = true
End Function