Has anyone noticed that any name you type for JS file in Designer gets truncated not just to lose the .js extension (which I understand as it is implied) but any trailing “.” as well.
And also, with each access of the properties, a further . is truncated.
I add jquery-3.5.1.js and upon clicking OK I get jquery-3.5.js. I then attempt to access the Properties of this file and do nothing but click OK, I then get jquery-3.js.
The problem is happening for me when I attempt to alter the properties of any JS file. Often just to add a “defer” option but I am not touching the filename when doing this. However upon clicking OK to the properties, the name is truncated.
Please note that you can still apply the workaround–file name including file extension–each time you ‘close’ the Properties dialog via the “OK” button. But I would suggest you to open a technical support ticket through the website: Support & Resources for PReS Connect. Because you need to apply the workaround each time ‘close’ the Properties dialog via the “OK” button.
The issue is that one shouldn’t be renaming a file every time you check the properties. Am I misunderstanding you? This is surely just a bug that needs resolution, no?