edit: Version 2024.1.2.21227
i have a working solution in principle – but something is not right and I cannot figure out what it is: me, the way I solved it or connect
Data: We have records (customers) each with three detail tables (numbers and dates).
(Print)-Context: on the media is room for all three tables but only for a maximum of 10 rows. if any table has more than 10 rows, we will need another page.
- Check how many pages we need and clone the print context – works fine
var printSections = merge.template.contexts.PRINT.sections;
if (printSections["myContext 1"].enabled) {
var iPagesL = record.tables.ZertJ0 ? Math.ceil(record.tables.ZertJ0.length / 10) : 0;
var iPagesJ1 = record.tables.ZertJ1 ? Math.ceil(record.tables.ZertJ1.length / 10) : 0;
var iPagesJ2 = record.tables.ZertJ2 ? Math.ceil(record.tables.ZertJ2.length / 10) : 0;
var pages = Math.max(iPagesL, iPagesJ1, iPagesJ2)
if (pages > 1) {
for (var i = 2; i <= pages; i++) {
var clone = printSections["myContext 1"].clone();
clone.name = " myContext " + i.toString();
printSections["myContext 1"].addAfter(clone);
- put the three tables in the source
<div anchor="page_media_0"
style="position: absolute; overflow: visible; box-sizing: border-box; width: 274px; height: 124px; top: 161.983px; left: 230.283px;" offset-x="230.283" offset-y="161.983">
<table id="table_J0" data-detail="" style="font-family: Arial Narrow; font-size: 6.5pt; letter-spacing:-0.00em; width :100%">
<tr style="line-height: 6px;">
<td style="text-align: left; width: 16%;">@Num0@</td>
<td style="text-align: left; width: 33%;">@Span@</td>
<td style="text-align: left; width: 23%;">@An@</td>
<td style="text-align: left; width: 28%;">@Ab@</td>
<div contenteditable="true" anchor="page_media_0"
style="position: absolute; overflow: visible; box-sizing: border-box; width: 133px; height: 116px; top: 161.983px; left: 502.647px;" offset-x="502.647" offset-y="161.983">
<table id="table_J1" data-detail="" style="font-family: Arial Narrow; font-size: 6.5pt; letter-spacing:0.00em; width :100%">
<tr style="line-height: 6px;">
<td style="text-align: left; width: 35%;">@Num1@</td>
<td style="text-align: left; width: 65%;">@Span@</td>
<div contenteditable="true" anchor="page_media_0"
style="position: absolute; overflow: visible; box-sizing: border-box; width: 133px; height: 116px; top: 161.983px; left: 646.677px;" offset-x="646.6772" offset-y="161.983">
<table id="table_J2" data-detail="" style="font-family: Arial Narrow; font-size: 6.5pt; letter-spacing:0.00em; width :100%">
<tr style="line-height: 6px;">
<td style="text-align: left; width: 35%;">@Num2@</td>
<td style="text-align: left; width: 65%;">@Span@</td>
- Standard Scripts to fill each of the tables according to the page we are on – the scripts are basically the same for each table. For example, for selector #table_j1 and scope resultset:
var htmlStr = "";
var numOfElements = 10;
// on which page are we?
var currSection = parseInt(merge.section.name.slice(-1));
if (record.tables.ZertJ1 && currSection) {
// Copy the row from the table.
// This is the base for our dynamically added rows.
var baseRow = query('tr', results);
// Loop your data here.
var start = numOfElements * (currSection - 1);
var end = ((numOfElements * currSection) >= record.tables.ZertJ1.length) ? record.tables.ZertJ1.length : (numOfElements * currSection);
for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
// Clone the row to a string, we are going to use replace() to inject data.
let tableRow = baseRow.clone().toString();
// Replace the markers.
let nummer = record.tables.ZertJ1[i].fields.lp1
tableRow = tableRow.replace(/@num1@/g, losnummer.replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "."));
tableRow = tableRow.replace(/@span@/g, record.tables.ZertJ1[i].fields.lpSpan);
// Append the personalized string to the HTML string.
htmlStr += tableRow;
That’s it. It does work for one page. And it works for multi page except for the table_j1 which adds the correct rows multiple times, although logging shows that “htmlStr” has the correct number of lines.
Example: table0 has 4 rows, table1 has 23 row, table2 has 28 rows → 3 pages
example.pdf (15.3 KB) edit 2:-> on page 1 everything is ok, on page 2 the middle table (j1) repeats itself after 10 rows, on page 3 the middle table (j1) repeats itself (2 times) after the last 3 rows
I hope you can follow? If it is too complex, I will try it with support. But I like the forum to talk about these things. I have most of those ideas from here