There was an error running the data mapping process caused by ApplicationException: DataMapper configuration file not found (DM1000041) (SRV000012)

Good Day,
after doing an update we found out the hard way that the presets and templates sent to the PreS Connect server weren’t there anymore. To pad for this issue we are trying to modify the node red proces to download all the presets and configs at the start of the process.
If we download and then run the process seperatly it works, when we incorporate them together it fails to find the templates or presets.

Any clues?

We also notice that when you use Watch it checks to see if it’s cached and then uploads the templates or presets, can you enligthened us on what that’s about?


Hi Bastienfr,

A typical approach is to upload the resources to the OL Connect Server as part of a startup flow. A sample of this is provided with the most recent version of our OL Connect nodes (Node-RED menu > Import > Examples > @objectif-lune/node-red-contrib-connect > common patterns > startup flows).

This flow looks like this:

The flow makes use of our Folder Listing node (@objectif-lune/node-red-contrib-files-and-folders) and the File Store Upload node (@objectif-lune/node-red-contrib-connect). Select the Read me node to view the documentation of the process (Info icon). Here is the summary:

The inject node is configured to trigger this flow once on deploying the flow. The resources overwrite any resources in the OL Connect Server that were previously uploaded. The folder listing node returns an array with file paths in msg.payload .

The split node iterates over the entries in this array. Subsequently, the file store upload node uploads the file to the OL Connect Server.

The File duration for the uploaded resources is set to Permanent. This prevents them being deleted by the OL Connect Cleanup service.


Hope this helps,


The flow in JSON format:

[{“id”:“937d8580f9d433a9”,“type”:“inject”,“z”:“fdfe8cfaf88444e5”,“name”:“Startup”,“props”:[{“p”:“topic”,“vt”:“str”}],“repeat”:“”,“crontab”:“”,“once”:true,“onceDelay”:0.1,“topic”:“”,“x”:140,“y”:140,“wires”:[[“9188f49bec6a6fba”]]},{“id”:“9188f49bec6a6fba”,“type”:“olfnf-folder-listing”,“z”:“fdfe8cfaf88444e5”,“folder”:“/workspace”,“folder_type”:“str”,“subfolder”:true,“ignoreempty”:false,“masks”:“.OL-template,.OL-datamapper, *.OL-jobpreset, *.OL-outputpreset”,“masksregex”:false,“name”:“”,“x”:290,“y”:140,“wires”:[[“2c1b1873f07536f1”]]},{“id”:“ad2b8003ccde96a0”,“type”:“debug”,“z”:“fdfe8cfaf88444e5”,“name”:“debug persisted files”,“active”:true,“tosidebar”:true,“console”:false,“tostatus”:false,“complete”:“payload”,“targetType”:“msg”,“statusVal”:“”,“statusType”:“auto”,“x”:900,“y”:140,“wires”:},{“id”:“dffb674dec599040”,“type”:“olcnr-file-upload”,“z”:“fdfe8cfaf88444e5”,“connect_server”:“591cbd3c704b942c”,“filename”:“payload”,“filename_type”:“msg”,“fileDuration”:“permanent”,“name”:“file store upload”,“x”:580,“y”:140,“wires”:[[“2a56200e6160c11f”]]},{“id”:“2c1b1873f07536f1”,“type”:“split”,“z”:“fdfe8cfaf88444e5”,“name”:“”,“splt”:“\n”,“spltType”:“str”,“arraySplt”:1,“arraySpltType”:“len”,“stream”:false,“addname”:“”,“x”:430,“y”:140,“wires”:[[“dffb674dec599040”]]},{“id”:“2a56200e6160c11f”,“type”:“join”,“z”:“fdfe8cfaf88444e5”,“name”:“”,“mode”:“auto”,“build”:“object”,“property”:“payload”,“propertyType”:“msg”,“key”:“topic”,“joiner”:“\n”,“joinerType”:“str”,“accumulate”:“false”,“timeout”:“”,“count”:“”,“reduceRight”:false,“x”:730,“y”:140,“wires”:[[“ad2b8003ccde96a0”]]},{“id”:“591cbd3c704b942c”,“type”:“OL Connect Server”,“url”:“http://localhost:9340”,“ignorecer”:false,“name”:“OL Connect Server”,“disableProgress”:false}]

I found my issue. My process was working without the uploads to the filestore. When I added the uploads of the templates/presets the managedFileId is generated and corrupted the process because it overrides the filename.

I would recommend that the log file be somewhat more explicit on the error, it really wasn’t helpful.

Keep in mind that you can use the name of the resources in the various OL Connect nodes. There is no need to use the managedFileId. By using the name in the nodes the OL Connect Server will automatically use the most recent version of the persisted resource.
