When I run my content creation with the template. It looks like its running extremely slow to a point that, its stuck to around 40-50%.
My content creation includes a datamapper. When I run the datamapper in workflow 15000 records it finished with no issues in short amount of time.
But comes content creation, the first 25% was pretty quick until half way mark.
All I can think of is there is something in my template thats making it slow and that making me think there could be a progressive loop in my script that keeps getting bigger. I removed all my loops in my template to check.
Meanwhile I saw some posts here talking about sections being disabled:
Could this code be responsible?
// Clone section for multiple notices
clones = {};
noticeCount = record.detail.length;
originSection = merge.template.contexts.PRINT.sections["Section 1"];
for(var n = 0; n < noticeCount; n++){
// Clone
var newClone = originSection.clone();
newClone.name = "Section " + n;
newClone.enabled = true;
clones[newClone.name] = {index: n};
// Remove 2nd sheet if there is no water charge
var waterCharges = record.detail[n]._waterCharges;
newClone.background.start = 1;
newClone.background.end = 2;
// Add new section
originSection.enabled = false;
Thank you in advanced.