Hi - I am using a script in the PostProcessor to create and export a csv file. It works fine if I export it to the C drive and whatever folder. My issue is that I work on one server and have to export it to another. I do tis all time in workflow with no issues. For example, one of the paths I use in workflow is \knottypine\podb_reps\ZZAcct\FeeRpts. When I try to use this location in my Postprocessor script, it can not find the location. I also tried - N: \knottypine\podb_reps\ZZAcct\FeeRpts and it still didn’t find it. Below is part of my script. If I use “C:\out\” for var filepath, it works fine.
var fileNameForExport = (“BankSummaryFee” + new Date().toISOString().slice(-24).replace(/\D/g,‘’).slice(0, 14));
var filepath = “\knottypine\podb\_reps\ZZAcct\FeeRpts\”;
var fileext = “.csv”;
var filePathname = filepath + fileNameForExport + fileext;
var fileOut = openTextWriter(filePathname);
Does anyone know how I would construct my filepath for the output location?
Thank you