I actually try to add more than one sql result to a detailed table.
The action step is as follows:
var connectionURL = ‘jdbc:odbc:Driver={iSeries Access ODBC Driver};System=...;Uid=;Pwd=;’;
var sqlConnection = db.connect(connectionURL,“”,“”);
var sqlQuery = “SELECT * FROM . WHERE *** = ‘xyz’”;
resultSet = sqlConnection.createStatement().executeQuery(sqlQuery);
The extraction step then looks as follows (detail.table):
let testExtract;
testExtract = resultSet.getRow() ? resultSet.getString(“WB_COLUMN”) : “”;
I know that the return of the select has more than one record, how can I add them to a detailed table?
You can’t add multiple rows using a script (that feature is on our roadmap, however).
So in the meantime, you’ll have to store your rows in an array and then use a Loop step to add each element of the array to the detail table.
Now in your config, use a Repeat Step inside which you add an Extraction Step. To extract all the “LastName” fields, as in the example above, set the mode to JavaScript and user the following code:
In your Repeat step, make sure you set the Maximum iterations on each line value to