Sorting and grouping


I’d like a sanity check please and maybe a few pointers.
I’m doing the following steps: -

  1. Execute Data Mapping on large XML file (creating filemask as field).
  2. Metadata Sequencer to split based on changing print template.
  3. Create Print Content per metadata piece in step 2.
  4. Set Properties as a Content Set based on batchGUID.
  5. Retrieve Items by batchGUID selected Content Set as above.

Here’s the bit where I need some guidance.

  1. Job Preset to group at Job level based on a field: filemask (i.e. I want a group per filemask)
  2. Output Preset to separate the output based on the Job Preset and use metadata from that at job segment level to name the output file (because there isn’t metadata at job level).

The issue I’m having is that I’m not getting all the files for the number of filemask changes in the data and if I try any other approach, I don’t get Weaver to process the different parts of the job simultaneously which I need for performance.

Even if I set metadata at Document level and reference it in the Output Preset, I get the following error:

Can you explain the levels - Job / Job Segment / Document Set etc?


So I have got it working.

I have set Job level group based on the field filemask in my Job Preset and then metadata on Job Segment level called filemask.

I use this metadata field in my Output Preset and I get the right number of output files, named correctly.

For added measure (not sure if relevant), I ran the metadata from Retrieve Items through a Metadata Sorter sorted by filemask prior to the Create Job step.

Note: It is still possible that a better way to do this is to split the metadata from Retrieve Items using a Metadata Sequencer and then drop those metadata files into the filesystem so that they can be input in a threaded process to be driven through WeaverEngine - might give a little more control and context than the Connect options allow.