Is it possible to place side by side the source and design views of the Designer?
I’ve tried to drag the Design tab with no success but it seems that for other panels (like CSS files) it’s possible.
Is it possible to place side by side the source and design views of the Designer?
I’ve tried to drag the Design tab with no success but it seems that for other panels (like CSS files) it’s possible.
No, that is not possible unfortunately. The closest you can get is shared content where the main editor is updated automatically whenever you save the content of a separate snippet editor.
Could you elaborate more on this please? I’m not sure if I understand what do you mean with shared content, I suppose is a functionality I am not aware of.
Never mind, dug through the documentation and found infos about it!
I already made this video before I saw your edit, so I’ll just share it anyway
I’m not claiming this is particularly useful, but it’s the closest thing we have. Unfortunately we are not allowed to upload mp4 files directly so I had to create a zip file. (3.6 MB)