[SOLVED] Cannot use PlanetPress Designer UI to pull and push from remote


We are using a software forge (an on-premise gitea server) to handle our version control.
However we didn’t manage to make it work with PlanetPress Connect.

I did fill the version control tab in Preferences and in the password field I’ve put a token giving full access to repos.

And yet whenever I try to pull or push here is what I got :


Does anyone have an idea of what the issue could be ?
I precise that running commands like “git pull” and “git push” in Powershell does work.

Thanks in advance

@Pierre-Louis “git pull” and “git push” in Powershell are handled by the Git library installed in the operating system, which is not the same as Git in Connect. The Git library integrated in Connect has its own Java-based version of Git, so the behavior may be different from that in Powershell.

From the error message, it seems to be an SSL certificate problem. It’s probably a missing certificate. Here’s extraction from SHARED-90769 about certificates:

A certificate store is sometimes also called a key store.

Windows has a central certificate store but Java and thus Connect doesn’t use that store. This is not that unusual as most web browsers also don’t use the Windows certificate store but use their own store.
Java stores the certificate store in a file typically located in the JRE or JDK folder. You can have multiple Java installations on your machine and thus multiple certificate stores.
Connect ships with it’s own JRE in the Program Files folder. The name of that folder contains some version numbers which are different in each release of Connect. If the customer needs to import a certificate they will need to do this each time they install or upgrade Connect because the files are located in a subfolder of the Program Files folder.
As far as I know Workflow does use the Windows certificate store. This can confuse customers if they have installed their custom certificate in the Windows certificate store but not the Connect Java one. …

To import a certificate to the certificate store follow these steps:

  1. Stop all Connect applications and services
  2. Create a backup of the certificate store file: C:\Program Files\Objectif Lune\OL Connect\Plugins\com.objectiflune.jre.win32.win32.x86_64_17.0.6.10-OL-129-46eb7b0a\jre\lib\security\cacerts
  3. The version number of the jre folder is different for each version of Connect, check the exact name on your file system.
  4. Open a Command Prompt as Admin
  5. Type cd “C:\Program Files\Objectif Lune\OL Connect\Plugins\com.objectiflune.jre.win32.win32.x86_64_17.0.6.10-OL-129-46eb7b0a\jre\lib\security”
  6. Place the root certificate file on the Desktop folder
  7. In the command prompt type this (change the path to the actual location of the cert file you saved): …..\bin\keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -noprompt -file “C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\MyRoot.crt”
    It should say: Certificate was added to the keystore
  8. Restart Connect Designer and Server.

Note: if the error cannot be resolved, you can always pull/push the project using PowerShell, and open/edit/commit the already pulled Git project by Connect Git.

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Hello, your solution worked perfectly, thanks a lot.