Socket Errors...

Can someone explain the “Socket Error” when doing an Execute Data Map? I get this all the time, and every time I check that security isn’t enabled, that my database is running… I haven’t seen any explanation for what causes this, only people saying to check security, proxy settings. I’m running under the local system account. No security.

I would suggest to open a technical support ticket at 1-866-348-5863 or through our website. It is better if we can remote in and check upon your settings.

The Socket Error on the Execute Data Mapping step is probably due to the Workflow not being able to authenticate into the Connect Server.

This is not to be confused with the Workflow Service account is set to the “Loacl System account” by default.

The Connect Server Security details can be found by starting the Connect Server Configuration from:

C:\Program Files\Objectif Lune\OL Connect\Connect Server\Server.exe

Then click on the Server Security Settings page. The defalut username and password are “ol-admin” and “secret” respectively without the quotes of course.

Please note that if you change the username and password for the Connect Server Security, you also need to restart both the OLConnect_MySQL and OLConnect_Server services from Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

You need to make that these exact same details are entered in the Workflow Preferences. To do this, open up your Workflow Configuration and click on the Workflow Button [Orange Button on top left corner] > Preferences > Behaviour > OL Connect

Then make sure the same OLConnect Connections settings are entered here:

Once you make these changes, resend your Workflow configuration to the local service by clicking on the Workflow Button > Send Configuration > Send Local

Additional Links:

Server Security is not enabled.

I believe you need to enable it in the current versions and a future version will correctly address the issue where when Server Security is disabled, other components such as remote Designer and Workflow will be able to connect without needing a valid username and password.

Can you still try entering a username and password in Workflow and resend your configuration?

Remember to restart the services as indicated earlier.

What? Server Security is now required? Then why is there an option to disable it? Can you point to any documentation?

This is exactly why I referred to it as an issue which will be addressed in a future version. You may open a support ticket for it to be investigated in more details.

I’m not interested in opening a support ticket, I’m interested in understanding what is going on so I can troubleshoot and understand.

The ServerConfig, as I understand it, is used to configure how the “Connect Server” communicates with the Database Server. So you can have security with that connection, or not, and nothing I’ve seen or read would indicate that security is required. I have security turned off, so that shouldn’t be the issue.

The Connect Workflow Services, which run the process and plugins, communicates with the Connect Server via the REST API.

So when “Execute Data Mapping” throws a “Socket Error”, it has nothing to do with the ServerConfig security settings you’re discussing. It’s saying that the Workflow Services cannot connect to the Connect Server via REST.

What I want to understand is, why? Where is this connection configured?

Ok. I think I’m finally getting it.

  1. There is a Database, it needs to be configured, as any database, with credentials.
  2. There is Connect Server, which needs to run as a service, and that needs logon credentials.
  3. Workflow Services, configured with credentials to run the services.

Separately, all of these things must communicate with each other, and that’s what the ServerConfig tool is for. What port to use for the database-to-Connect, what port and credentials to use for Workflow-to-Connect.

That’s a lot of separate credentials, ports, etc. to maintain. There truly needs to be an Administrator’s Guide.

I have Security disabled, am not using any proxy settings in the plugins. Same error when Security is enabled, so… item #2 is the issue. The Connect Server isn’t running, and when I try to run it, it fails. I believe the password expired, something likely caused by our IT staff and AD. I switched Connect Server to “localhost” and restarted. That resolved the issue.

Posting this for posterity.

Take a look at the following for the list of ports:

Adding the following to the list:

3306 TCP+UDP MySQL Default MySQL port
1433 TCP+UDP Microsoft SQL Default Microsoft SQL Server port