SOAP Client Use

I am trying to test the SOAP client in Workflow 8.5 against the Planet Press SOAP Server input. Can anyone help with the values that should be filled in after getting the WSDL? I am trying to pass a file that is input into the workflow and I either get ‘Parameter Mismatch’ or ‘invalid characters in path’ errors.

The options displayed are:

Filename - I have tried %c and an absolute path here. I have also left it blank
ir_SubmitJobInfrastructure - does this need a value?
SubmitSOAPActionName - I supply the proper name
SubmitOriginalFilename - Does his need a value? Just the name or entire path?
SubmitVariableList - set size to 1
TVariableUnit - left blank
Variable Name - set to test
VariableValue - set to test2
ib_ReturnJobFile - set to FALSE
is_Username - set to proper name
is_Password - set to proper password
Return Section left untouched.

Any help is appreciated!

The ii_file field needs to contain your input file converted to base64. I’m not sure what you’re using to consume this SOAP service, but an example in c# would be:

ii_file = File.ReadAllBytes(“file name and path”);

I believe you can set SubmitOriginalFilename to just the file name.