Scripts Panel: visually emphasize execution order top-to-bottom for scripts

Several customers asked why their variables have not been replaced in all occurrances in their template.

In nearly all cases it happened, because the replacement did take place before a textblock has been dynamically inserted.

They were not aware that the scripts will be executed in top-to-bottom order.

A hint in the panel would help.


You’re right that there needs to be some indication of this but it will be added to the documentation. It’s preferable to avoid overloading the UI with notes & warnings when the documentation is meant for that.

I’ll add that note right away, unfortunately in version 1.0.0 there isn’t any contextual help in the software but we’ll restore that in a future version so that doing F1 will bring you to the right page with that information, providing you’ve selected the Scripts pane.

Here it is: 404: Page Not Found | Documentation Center