Schedule not triggered

Hello there

We have the issue, that some of our nightly task are not triggered. We have quite a few that are working correctly but sometimes the task does not get triggered at the configurated time.

How can I check this? In the log file there is just nothing there.
PPC is installed on a virtualised 2016 Server and the issue was not always present.

Can anybody point me in the right direction?


You could turn on the sequential logger. This will log everything as soon as it is happening as oppose to once the process is done (normal log).

To turn this on:

  • Click on the Workflow button in your configurator (big orange W).
  • Then Preferences->Plug-in-.General .
  • Then hit simultaneously SHIFT-CTRL-ALT-F12 key. A checkbox will appear labeled Log each process events synchronously in a separate log file or something quite similar, depending of your Workflow version.
  • Resend your configuration.

That will start logging each processes in its own log file (labeled as the process name) and at every step.

In your specific case, I’d say to turn on this option like an hour before your problem occurs and let it go until after the issue.

BE WARNED…THIS OPTION MUST BE TURNED OFF AT SOME POINT . It will tax your resources and the logs files can become quite big. The created logs aren’t day stamped, only time BUT you will be able to see in them everything as they occurs.

To turned it off, simply go back to your Preferences and uncheck the box and resend your config.

These new log can be found in the same folder as the normal ones (which are still generated).
C:\ProgramData\Objectif Lune\PlanetPress Workflow 8\PlanetPress Watch

That should help you troubleshoot your behaviour. If it doesn’t shed some light on the source cause of the problem, you also can open a technical support ticket through our website.

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