Run service once per 5 minutes


What’s wrong with this settings? My service runs continuously but I want to run process one per 5 min. I tried reload services and I don’t know what’s wrong.

Thanks for help

I would clear the time grid and simply set the Polling Interval to 300 sec.

I know It should work but It doesn’t.

Are you only change settings and send configuration to server? When I change process from activ to inactiv It work but It doesn’t if I try set polling interval ;/ My changes aren’t applied.

I had similar problem with replicating process. When I changed from normal to replicating process, changes aren’t applied. But next day after reboot computer It start working.

Should I relod something?

You need to resend the configuration to local services for the changes to take effect. Also, try restarting the Messenger service from the Tools tab > Service Console > Messenger, right-click Stop, then Start.