For every job we create we need to place barcode for postprocessing. This barcode is always in the same position, has same structure, same code, same …, but we still need to create it on every OutputPreset we use. Since there is no “import additional content” we need to type in all properties or to copy/paste from another output preset. Yes, I know we can open existing OutputPreset, modify it and save it with different name, but if we have existing OutputPreset this is not an option.
Can you implement function to “import” additional content from existing output preset in the current one. For example we create one output preset, define postprocessing barcode and send it to server to use it as “common” preset. On another outputpreset we don’t define postprocessing barcode, but add previusly created OutputPreset from wich to “import” all additional content defined in it. Import should be implemented in Output Creation step, so if we change additional content in “common” preset it should automaticly change in all OutputPreset that “imports” that preset.