Print Manager Inquiry - preview failed for ps file


I would like to know if the Print Manager support preview of PS/PCL file.

I tried to test the preview feature for a ps file generated by the Generic Invoice sample, the preview does not work (see pic below). However, the ps file is able to be distilled to PDF file.


The Preview will work “out of the box” for both PCL files and standard IPDS files but not for PostScript files, nor continuous IPDS output created as Multipage PDF containers. Previewing either of these types of files requires the __Ghostscript__software be installed first.

Ghostscript is a free industry standard PostScript interpreter/renderer that can be downloaded from here:

Select the Ghostscript AGPL Release version that best matches your Operating System, then download that installer and run. PostScript and continuous IPDS output Previews will then be available, the next time you launch the Print Manager.