Print duplex and how to not add DataMatrix on blank page

Hi everyone,

I have a documents templates created via Designer with XML as data source. I have 6 print sections, each one for each document (with section manager for management). Each document also has 3 master pages - one for first page, one for middle and one for last page. I generate documents via processes in Workflow. Everything works great as simplex. But I need these documents to be printed in duplex. Here’s what I have now (for invoice in this example):

and it also works ok, instead of one thing. I add DataMatrix to these documents in output creation settings:

In this DataMatrix I have document ID (from DataMapper), current document page and all pages in the document. And now DataMatrix is also added to the blank page of a document (e.g. I have an invoice with 1 page and then, because I set it to duplex, one blank page is added to this invoice and the DataMatrix is also added). What is more, the page counter at the bottom of this invoice shows pages correctly ( page 1/1), but the DataMatrix contains 1/2 for first page and 2/2 for the second one. What I want to do is don’t add this datamatrix to the blank page of a document and also don’t count it in all pages (e.g. I have 2 pages invoice, where first page is invoice itself and the second one is blank because of duplex. Now datamatrix is added to both of them and the number of pages in this datamatrix is 1 out of 2 for first page and 2 out of 2 for second one. I don’t want to add datamatrix to blank page and for the datamatrix on the first page of this document I want to show 1 page out of 1). I really need it for the workflow where I check the completion of the documents - so I need the actual number of pages which are documents itself with blank pages excluded.
Any ideas how can I do this? Thanks in advance!

This sounds like it’s going to require a two pass approach. Effectively, in the first pass you generate the document as simplex with the barcode. You’ll want to output as Postscript to a file.

That new postscript file is then passed through a second data mapper and used as the background of a second template. This template is then responsible for composing the duplex output. To assist with this, you may need to hide some text in the initial output to ensure that you can keep the pages of a document together or to control the duplexing. This can be achieved by placing white text in the margins and reading them back out at the datamapping step.

I may very well be over complicating things here though…