Print cover sheet once for each record set


I hope this is an easy question :slight_smile:
I get a set of invoices, for example 51 in one spool-file this results in 51 records in the designer.
For this records I want to print a cover sheet which is only printed once, and not for each record.

How can I achieve this?

Thank you for your answers


If your cover sheet only has static element, then simply making it conditional for record 1 is the way to go.

Now, if your cover sheet will have information about the rest of the records, including values that can only be found in those records, then I suggest using metadata to go through the invoices in the first place (in Workflow), gather all info required and pass them back to your Template through Properties and Fixed automation Properties

thanks for the answer,

sorry for the late answer, we had a lot other things to do at the moment.
Yes we need the informations about the rest of the records.
I have now built a record-set in the datamapper in which I run through the input file, and collect all informations I need. Then I use the record-set to build a detailed table, and print all informations in a sheet.

The idea was now set a global variable in workflow, to make a condition in the designer.
Would that be possible?

Sure it is.

Hereโ€™s the documentation on the subject. Look down for Automation Variable.

If you need to setup the condition in the Template, then you can pass the Workflow variable to the datamapper, through a field and based your condition on that field in the Template.