Recently I encoutered a problem with PReS Connect; when I start it up or try to open a recent file I get a gray screen (see printscreen below) and can’t make use of the software. I have tried to restart my pc, the designer, and reset Perspective (under Window).
Try openening a file (Datamapper or Template). Then, you should see a minimize/maximize in the upper corner of the grey panel. Close it and all will be good.
You can as well try Window menu->Reset Perspective…
@hamelj & @ytakes: please make sure to record the resolution of this issue in this post. Because I’m intrigued and I’d like to find out what we could do to prevent it from happening again.
@ytakes Given the size of the screenshot you’ve posted, I’m guessing you have a very high resolution monitor.
Try the following:
Right click the Connect shortcut and go to Properties
Go to the Compatibility tab
Click Change high DPI settings
Finally, check “Override high DPI scaling behavior” and leave it set to Application as shown below: