Plugin Print using windows driver - odd output

Hi all, I am in the process of testing my newly installed PP Connect server workflows, and on one process, the document is printing this:

I’ve double checked that the PTK file is present. I’m not even sure what to look at on this one?

Could it be that the driver you are using isn’t Postscript? It lloks like a PCL driver that see the Postscript as plan text and it prints it accordingly.

Hi, thanks for the suggestion, that was the first thing I looked for. We are pretty much standardized on HP Printers, and all of them use the Universal PS driver. This particular process’s output from our older PP7 system works just fine.

UPDATE: In typical HP Fashion…the issue (I think/I hope) was related to the printer itself - HP PageWide Pro X576 - I told the Windows printer to use a different IP Port, which outputs to a different model HP printer (a little M404dn), and it printed just fine. After a moment of panic (we have a ton of these PageWide machines)…I decided to install the X576 printer-specific drivers. After driver installation, and WITHOUT changing the driver in use by the printer, I re-sent my jobs and they printed as expected. So it seems the printer-specific drivers just needed to EXIST on the server, which makes no sense to me but it seems to have fixed the issue. Maybe this will help someone else :slight_smile:

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