PDF file name vs PDF title

Hi, when I generate PDFs in Connect Designer through Workflow, the file name gets the correct name, and in Adobe Acrobat it shows the correct filename.

In Google Chrome the file name shows as the .OL-template name. Is this something that I can change? See screenshot. I don’t want it to say “Instruments_IMPROVED”.

Hi @kalle.bystrom,

You can change the Title information by changing the value of the Title (Metadata) input field on the PDF Options page of the Output Creation Settings wizard. By default the Title input field does have the value “${template.base}”.

You can access this wizard via: Connect Designer application > File > Print Presets > Output Creation Settings…

The PDF Options is also accessible via: Connect Designer application > File > Print > Print wizard > Advanced (button)

Thank you! That will work very well.

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