PDF Data Extract, Output into a csv file to be used as a database


Customer has asked us to extract data from a set of pdf invoices, the extraction step was simple, there was no loop and just fixed text spaces and return to them as a excel file or csv file.

However I am confused on how to run this through workflow and get a csv file with appropiate headings (presuming field names), I am not well versed with scripts at all, and was wondering whether anyone has done this before and the steps involved in the workflow.

Best Regards


Hi jzhu01,

I found a script here in the forums that can be used to create a CSV file from your mapped fields in the data mappers postprocessor. So basically check out the sample below. The postprocessor is the finish line/flag looking icon in the steps pane in the data mapper. The script is called ConvertToCSV. You will need to edit this line to output the data to whatever folder you like.

var fileOut = openTextWriter(“c:\out\invoiceInfos.csv”);

Data Mapper Sample

EDIT: In Workflow just use a folder capture-All In One-Delete plugins for your process. In the All in One you select only the data mapping configuration in the Data Mapper tab and leave the Content Creation to None and the Output Creation to None but select Output Management to Through Workflow.
