I am using a SQL server data base. I am using a store procedure with parameter to retrieve my records. In the data mapper, I am calling my store procedure with parameter. If I type the value for the parameter, it work file and the data maaper return the correct sets of records. What I want to do is to pass the value of the parameter, for the store procedure, dynamically via PP Wokflow? Is it possible and if yes how. If not could it be added in later release in PP Connect
This is not currently possible in the DataMapper. However, we are currently looking at the option of adding fully dynamic statements when issuing a query, which would take care of your request. We have not yet set a timetable for that feature, but your request automatically serves to boost its priority a little bit more!
@Phil, is there any progress on this feature? I have a process constrained by the use of UTF16 to encode East Asian characters read from a SQL Server database. I cannot use the translator + legacy DB query plugins, as there could be multiple languages within a single file. Reading data from a table valued function or sp would be an absolute lifesaver.