Passing datamapper value(s) thru

First foray into planet press for me. Doing COTG, client prints a request document in. I’m pulling data off of that to create a form that’s used by field techs in the COTG app. The returned data is used to create an order. I need data from the incoming print datamapper when creating the final PDF. Some of the info in the form like phone numbers, names etc. I’m putting into text fields so the tech can edit if incorrect. But some info should not be edited (e.g. Work order #, Sales Rep etc) these are dropped into the form.


Datamapper from print job:

Any thoughts on the best way to pass along the values not in a text field? I was thinking of using hidden text fields but not sure of the best way to set the value with the data.

Found a way to accomplish this, may not be the best way, but I’ll post it incase another newbie needs to do some thing similar. :^)

created a hidden input field: <input id="SalesRep" value="#SalesRep" name="SalesRep" type="hidden">

added a script to pull the info from the datamapper used to create the COTG form

and now in the XML file after the form is returned from the COTG App


If there is a better way, let me know
