Paper type handling per document

I have to describe what is background of my questions.

Innodox has its own output mgmt sw (FlowLogic) comprising PReS/MPReS as a layout designer and output engine. We serve both the electronic and printed output channels.

We hope PReS Connect is going to be a successor. We are looking the way how to integrate OL Designer and Connect server (without workflow).

Problem 1: Currently with PReS we have two runs per job. The first doesn’t generate real output but a file containing a ‘paper type map’ per document. Like: Doc 1 if printed would use 1 page of paper type A, 2 pages of paper type B, etc. This information is important for “logical enveloping” FlowLogic offers, paper usage statistics, etc.

Question 1: - how can logical paper types assigned dynamicaly to pages. How can this page statistic file be created?

When you create content you would need n Media types and format\layout the Page for that MediaSize… you can have multiple Media for a Size and select those via Logic. But not Page size.

Since you intend to use the REST services and you are interested in output creation… first you would do a Content creation for each size, you then have the information on pages per record for the different sizes. At output time you can select the appropriate one you needed.

In a workflow each step is a Separate stage:


Content Creation:

Job Creation:

Output Creation: