With PlanetPress 7, Watch/Workflow was licensed but users could install as many instances of Design as needed. Is that still the case with Connect?
I’d like to install OL Connect Professional Design on my laptop, no Workflow, but want to confirm how the licensing works before making this request to my IT department.
Once you have installed Designer on your laptop, you’ll need to go to the Web Activation Manager and add the magic number of your laptop in any of the Designers you have in your account. You’ll notice that you can add as many as you want.
Then download the license and install it on your laptop.
Thank you, that’s excellent news. A follow-up question regarding account rights. I know I’d need Administrator rights to install the software, but what about running it day-to-day? What rights are required?
I think I could persuade IT to grant temporary Admin rights to install the software, but keeping my account as a local Admin permanently would be seen as a problem.
In theory, once Connect Designer has been installed with administrative rights, a standard user should be able to use it. There might the occasional feature which would not work or be restricted, but in general the software should perform as expected.
Edit: Note that this isn’t true of Connect Server and especially Workflow, which can be greatly hindered in their feature set without a sufficiently privileged account.