I am trying to modify the defult nodejs ldap login screen available here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Objectif Lune\ppnode\src\html
I couldn’t find where the error messages are set in the login.ejs and \js\script.js files
The error message I am referring to is the “Authentication Required” message that appears at the bottom of the login area. Where is it set? Can I change the language depending on the information in the url?
In addition, is there anyway to present a cleaner url to the user when they land onto this page? At the moment I get the following url:
How and where can I change that?
Is there a better way to create this login screen which still uses the Workflow LDAP authentication without editing the workflow source installation files as I guess i wll need to port the chnages manually when I upgrade to the next version of Workflow?
I have a custom login screen created in html and bootstrap, I dont know how to take advantage of the workflow nodejs ldap login feature which will return a session cookie that can be used throughout the duration of the session without having to login each time a new ajax request is made.