I am currently running into an issue that I need help with.
I am trying to get stapling working dynamicly. I setted up my datamapper so it reads the top left corner for information (print information is stored there).
And so I created a test document with 2 pages, no staple accured when I ran the design and printed te document. (Bounderie is currently set to per page).
When I looked in the postscript I found this code on the end of page 1:
userdict /XJXEndSet known { XJXEndSet } if
If I remove that line of code in my postscript file and print it the post script file then the document is stapled, is there anyway to remove that code from the postscript file or am I doing something wrong with my mind set how to setup the datamapper and designer.
This is a very complex subject and getting desired results is dependant upon many variables. It may ultimately be easiest if you open a ticket and we set up a remote session.
However, from your description of your test, I kind of get the impression that you actually got the result you asked for, even if it’s not the one you wanted. What I mean is, it looks like you’re telling it to print a two page PDF where each PDF is considered a document on it’s own (a record, as defined by your boundaries) and to staple each document together, not the resulting document set. So with only 1 page in each document, it doesn’t staple, even though the final output is 2 pages.
What does your input consist of? 1 record with multiple pages? Multiple records with single pages? Multi/multi?
What is your desired output? What gets stapled together?
Bear in mind as well that if you leave your boundary at Per Page, each page is now defined as a ‘record’ and therefore each page is a ‘document’ in and of itself. Consider a book. We know all of the pages go together to make one ‘document’ but if you split on the page level, the software thinks that each individual page is it’s own self contained book, or ‘document’.
My input consists of a PDF document within the upper left corner information about the page must it be stapled on what media it should be printed ed.
I know use a one record method to cover all the whole document so the stapling works. However it is possible that inside this record page 1 and 2 must be stapled and page 5 and 6 and page 4 must not be stapled.
Then we have also the situation that page 5 and 6 must be stapled but page 5 must be printed on media A and page 6 on media B.
I want the document to be used as ‘one book’ but inside that book each page must be evaluated by itself on each upper left corner.