New version available!

Version 0.9.5 of the OL Connect Node-RED Stack has been posted to NPM and Node-RED flows. Note that due to a bug on Node-RED flows that’s out of our control, the Readme file is not displayed on that page (but it is displayed as expected on NPM). We will have to resubmit the package and hope that it displays properly. We will do that next week.

Note also that if you installed OLCNRS using the installer from OL’s Resource Center, you won’t see the new package on the Palette because the latest version requires an updated version of NodeJS. The installer has not yet been updated so if you want to install this latest version of OLCNRS, you will have to do it manually (see this Node-RED page).

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The instructions indicate upgrading NodeJS to a later version than the v12.13.1 included with PPC 2022.1. It appears that @objectif-lune/node-ed-contrib-connect@0.9.6 requires NodeJS to be >= 14.

Should I upgrade NodeJS to the very latest 18.5.0 Current or 16.16.0 LTS. The installer default path is “C:\Program Files\NodeJS”, but assuming that I should change the path to “C:\Program Files\Objectif Lune\Node-RED Stack\NodeJS” Or is there a better method to upgrade NodeJS?

Node-RED currently recommends NodeJS v14, supports v16, and does not mention v18 as of now: Supported Node versions : Node-RED.
At the bottom of the page there are instructions to update Node-RED following an update of NodeJS.

For NodeJS, you can download the setup and install it in the same folder than the OLCNR stack, or you can use an external tool called “nvm” to manage the NodeJS versions installed on Windows: GitHub - coreybutler/nvm-windows: A node.js version management utility for Windows. Ironically written in Go. . The tool downloads and install a specific nodeJS version and also allows to switch between versions with one simple command.


[…] The latest NodeJS v14 is 14.20.0, build a week ago, and can be found on this page (you can filter by version, right under the grid headers row) : Node.js — Node.js Releases