MSXML Parser requirement

HELP! I am installing Planet Press Suite 7 on a new server and there were originally 5 requirements that were needed on the new machine. I have rectified all of them except the requirement for MSXML Parser 4.0 SP2. The embedded link in the installer is broken for all of the required components so I pulled them down from Microsoft and installed them individually. The XML component is the last piece, however, it errors out when I am trying to install it as a stand alone component. The VM that I am spinning up is Server 2019 Standard. Anyone have a solution?

Can you let us know please which error was shown when you tried to install it as a standalone component?

Absolutely. Here is the error. Please reference screen shot attachedMSXML%20ERROR

Has anyone else seen this message before and knows how to solve it?

Installer Information

An error occured during the installation of assembly component {DF935623-B7D7-B3BF-A06B-D6B9ABF34537}.
HRESULT: 0x80070490.


P.S. Transcribed the message to make searching the message more easier.

That error code is a pretty generic one from the Windows installer. A quick search on the web shows that turning off the antivirus before installing the module may circumvent the issue… so it’s worth a try

No AV installed yet on this VM, and Windows Defender is turned off. But good suggestion!
OL support remoted in and could not get it to load/install either. Nicholas has referred it to R&D supposedly.

[Internal reference: #1437520]

Martin, is that the OL ticket #?

Yes, that’s correct. I just added it for internal reference.