Merge details record into one detail record


Is there any way to merge all details record into one detail?

For example I have 2 details records but would like to merge them into one record and display together inside detail table


Hi @Odyn,

Can you let me know please to what kind of input data your question is related to? Is it for example XML data or CSV data? A option is to change the Input Data and/or Boundaries settings (1) on the Data Mapping Configuration side.

(1) Via the Settings pane which can be found on the left side of the Connect Designer application when a Data Mapping Configuration file has been opened via the Connect Designer application.

Hello @Marten

This is CSV data mapper, I am doing boundaries based on ^H regex match.

I am just curious, can we do something to merge extracted details into one detail.

So instead of repeating all details lines then we could display one detiail or one variable/field once

Hi @Odyn,

A solution you might consider is the solution provided by our fellow forum user Rod via the following forum post ‘Remove duplicate detail records and sort by a field.’.

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Thank You @Marten for Your help and explaination

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