Media change every other page

I have a PDF file that contains multiple documents. The documents are all 4 pages and will be printed duplex. The 1st sheet is plain paper and the second sheet is colored paper for each document. Is there a better way to designate the media changes other than using Designer to look for a text string on the first page to associate it as plain paper and another text string on the third page to associate it as colored paper?

I assume you use a Data Mapping to determine the document boundaries and subsequently process this via a template created in OL Connect Designer.

In this scenario you could setup two media entries (white and colored). Use the Sheet Configuration dialog to assign the media to the sheet positions (choose Section > Sheet Configuration). Untick “Same for all positions” and assign the white media to sheet postions Single and First and the colored variant to Middle and Last.

Attached a sample data mapping and template.

The document boundaries for the data mapping are set to: per 4 number of pages (this could be a dynamic length based on for example markers on the page). This creates a record for each document in the input data.

The template has media entries for white and colored paper. These are assigned to sheet positions in the Sheet Configuration dialog as described above. In this dialog I’ve also enabled the Duplex option. I’ve used a simple PDF as stationery image for the color media to preview the colorized paper in the Designer.

The background of the section is set to “From PDF DataMapper input”. This shows the pages of the document in the background of the section and creates a page for each page in the document.

Hope this helps,


4pagedocuments-sample.OL-template (1.1 MB) 4pagedocuments.OL-datamapper (7.3 KB)

Thanks Erik, I will take a look at your samples.
In P7 I had used conditions to find key words on the different pages to trigger the media change but I haven’t really used designer and data mapper as when I upgraded I was able to use my P7 designed documents and haven’t needed to update any until now.