Loop through an XML-parent tag and attach all those files to an email

Hi, I want to attach files dynamically to an email, and I don’t know what files it is, how many it is and they are always in their unique folders and with unique names. How can I achieve that and how do i loop through and extract the data I need?

My idea is that my XML-file in the datamapper contains the data I need. For example:


I am wondering how the attachment script should be? If i only attach one file on “c:/” with the name “file.txt” it will look like this:
results.append('<link rel="related" href="c:/file.txt">');

If it always was 3 unique files, I could do like below but my issue is that I will sometimes have 1 file and sometimes 20 files.


I’m stuck.

I solved it with: https://learn.objectiflune.com/discourse/t/dynamically-add-multiple-attachments-to-email/1841