List of all Keysets in Repository for a specific date

I’m attempting to collect a list of all the keysets in a group.
I can collect individual records, but not multiple records.

Single Record

Multiple Records

Eventually, I only want the files for the current day.
I’m guessing that it would be the DateC vaue

This works for me:

var repo = new ActiveXObject("RepositoryLib.WorkflowRepository");

var todayISOdate =  Watch.ExpandString("%y-%m-%d");
var fields       = ["Field1", "Field2","DateC"];
var condition    = 'DateC LIKE "' + todayISOdate + '%"';

var ks = repo.GetKeySets("Group1", JSON.stringify(fields), condition);


The condition DateC LIKE "2023-07-04%" uses the % wildcard so that any date that starts with the specified date is included in the query results.

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This code works great!