I know there are loads of posts about this and I have managed to create an XML file from a simple json file to then setup my designer template and then just send through workflow the json file to designer to create the content. However I know have a complex json data object that has variable key names and nested arrays, all of which makes mapping complex and as such impossible to datamap using my previous method.
Any ideas of a way round this? My thoughts are to just use the index for each array item that contains the data fields, below is an example (Fields are CommKitID and DatePorcessed, others are in the actuall data set but left these out for data protection and simplicity:
“kbatch_id”: “B-11102018”,
“batch_total”: 258,
“rightnow_data”: {
“ConID_221614”: {
“CommKitID_C0032785449”: {
“CommKitID”: “C0032785449”,
“DateProcessed”: “‘2018-09-11 04:51:06’”
“ConID_191515”: {
“CommKitID_C0033571033”: {
“CommKitID”: “C0033571033”,
“DateProcessed”: “‘2018-09-21 20:02:21’”
“ConID_697615”: {
“CommKitID_C0032808696”: {
“CommKitID”: “C0032808696”,
“DateProcessed”: “‘2018-09-18 20:16:38’”
“ConID_118230”: {
“CommKitID_C0031572871”: {
“CommKitID”: “C0031572871”,
“DateProcessed”: “‘2018-09-18 20:40:18’”
“ConID_718094”: {
“CommKitID_C0030517748”: {
“CommKitID”: “C0030517748”,
“DateProcessed”: “‘2018-09-19 03:17:17’”
“ConID_903268”: {
“CommKitID_C0033351455”: {
“CommKitID”: “C0033351455”,
“DateProcessed”: “‘2018-09-19 19:42:32’”
“ConID_153156”: {
“CommKitID_C0034313975”: {
“CommKitID”: “C0034313975”,
“DateProcessed”: “‘2018-09-19 20:44:29’”
“ConID_142881”: {
“CommKitID_C0030420422”: {
“CommKitID”: “C0030420422”,
“DateProcessed”: “‘2018-09-20 00:55:02’”
“ConID_104772”: {
“CommKitID_C0030531909”: {
“CommKitID”: “C0030531909”,
“DateProcessed”: “‘2018-09-20 00:55:46’”
“ConID_699321”: {
“CommKitID_C0022819286”: {
“CommKitID”: “C0022819286”,
“DateProcessed”: “‘2018-09-21 00:54:29’”
“CommKitID_C0031628679”: {
“CommKitID”: “C0031628679”,
“DateProcessed”: “‘2018-09-21 19:55:20’”
“ConID_114453”: {
“CommKitID_C0030470563”: {
“CommKitID”: “C0030470563”,
“DateProcessed”: “‘2018-09-21 01:33:24’”