HI All ,
I have a JSON datafile , but I need to extract the total amount of Boxes in the data . I can get the total per customer , but not total for all . I need to use this the get the same amount of token in a SQL query in the next step ( completed) .
Should it be done in a Preprocess ? similar to the CSV delimiter script on the OL site . I’ve tried using JSON path in various ways without luck .
‘$…boxid’ / data.extract(‘$.invoice_list[*].picklist.boxes’);
DAT2405100001__23-05-2024_11-08-5454-rep-mod.zip (93.4 KB)
I’ll send the datamapper if somone can assist .
What I need is the sum of the results on the right for the SQL query
You would best do this in an extract field step and set the field definition to be based on JavaScript:
var data = JSON.parse(data.extract('$'));
var sum = 0;
data.invoice_list.forEach(function(invoice) {
if (invoice.picklist && typeof invoice.picklist.boxes === 'number') {
sum += invoice.picklist.boxes;
Thanks Jim
I only seem to get the total boxes per invoice and not the total overall .
Almost like its per invoice and the counter gets reset .
Yes, I see - it’s because in my example, I have the document boundary set to root. We will need a preprocessor in that case which adds the total to the original data.
Here is an example:
/* Calculate number of boxes at various points
throughout JSON file
- J. Stacey (Point Zero Solutions)
- 2024-06-18
// Create a temporary file
var tmpFile = createTmpFile();
// Open the original file for reading
var originalFile = openTextReader(data.filename);
// Open the temporary file for writing
var modifiedFile = openTextWriter(tmpFile.getPath());
// Read the JSON content from the original file
var jsonContent = "";
var line;
while ((line = originalFile.readLine()) !== null) {
jsonContent += line;
// Parse the JSON content
var jsonData = JSON.parse(jsonContent);
// Calculate the sum of the 'boxes' values
var sum = 0;
jsonData.invoice_list.forEach(function(invoice) {
if (invoice.picklist && typeof invoice.picklist.boxes === 'number') {
sum += invoice.picklist.boxes;
// Add the total sum to the JSON object
jsonData.total_boxes = sum;
// Convert the JSON object back to a string
var modifiedJsonContent = JSON.stringify(jsonData, null, 2); // Pretty-print with 2 spaces
// Write the modified JSON content to the temporary file
// Close the files
// Replace the original file with the modified file
// Print the result to the console
logger.info("Total boxes: " + sum);
Thanks for this Jim . I will only test it tomorrow .
I’ve done a CSV preprocess before but this is very useful . I may even try use this to merge my second datafile at runtime.
If you have any other useful scripts I would love to play around and learn from them .
Thanks Again
HI Jim
Just wanted to say it works flawlessly, thanks ! . I managed to get some SQL data into the JSON data so it was extra beneficial.
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