I need to combine multiple documents from one template into one PDF. I’m trying to use the grouping option in the job creation preset and the separation option in the output creation preset but the “Create Job” task fails when executing an SQL statement. Here’s the error message from the log:
2024-08-19 16:44:57 olconnect[olconnect] @ localhost [] ERROR 1406: Data too long for column 'GROUPINGFIELD' at row 1 : INSERT INTO JOBSEGMENT (ID, GROUPEDBYVALUE, GROUPINGFIELD, SORTORDER, FINISHING_ID, JOB_ID, METADATAPROPERTIES_ID, PROPERTIES_ID) VALUES (1278897, '', 'Grouping.GroupField[fieldName=channel,sorting=ASCENDING],Grouping.GroupField[fieldName=mandant,sorting=ASCENDING],Grouping.GroupField[fieldName=firma,sorting=ASCENDING],Grouping.GroupField[fieldName=kdnr,sorting=ASCENDING],Grouping.GroupField[fieldName=renr,sorting=ASCENDING],Grouping.GroupField[fieldName=paketnr,sorting=ASCENDING]', 0, NULL, 1278893, NULL, NULL)
The GROUPINGFIELD column is a varchar(255), which limits grouping to at most 4 fields. Is this a known limitation? Is there a better way to do this or do I just have to combine all the fields into a single field in the data mapping?