I have a very lengthy tab delimited file that always has 251 columns of data per record. Not all of these columns are filled. Every time I import this file it will only go to column 140. Is there a way to expand the number of columns in the Boundaries area by chance?
I don’t believe there is an actual limit to the number of columns, I just created a small tab-delimited file with 276 fields and they show up properly. However, each of my fields only contains a limited amount of information so perhaps you are running into an issue with the total line length.
How long is the longest line in that file?
In my sample file, I filled each of the 276 fields with this text:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed semper lobortis augue in tincidunt. Sed lacus ante, imperdiet at sagittis a, fermentum non lorem. Quisque eleifend, elit nec euismod mattis, enim mauris efficitur lorem, eu dictum sem enim in purus. In nulla odio, efficitur sed mi facilisis, dictum egestas libero. Nunc tincidunt rutrum diam id euismod. Aenean a porta est, vitae faucibus eros. Praesent pretium sapien non ante commodo facilisis. Nullam eu faucibus orci.
… which makes for pretty long lines (276 times that text for each line)… and everything gets displayed properly.
Have you checked the contents of field number 140? Perhaps there’s a Carriage Return or some kind of binary character in there that prevents the DataMapper from parsing each line properly. if that’s the case, you can try downloading the Binary Filter plugin for Workflow (Document composition and automation | Upland Objectif Lune) to get rid of those characters.
So the longest field right now has the IMB barcode in it so your example data is longer than what I have in any field. I’ll try the plugin you suggested and also look for any binary characters. I am transitioning from PlanetPress 7 and I don’t have any issues bringing in the same file into that. I know its not an apple to apple comparison but maybe that info would help.
You might want to contact our Support team so you can provide them with a sample file (don’t post it here since it’s likely to contain personal information). They should be able to determine pretty quickly what the issue is.